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Meet The Executive Board!

Introducing the 2024-2025 NPHC-GH officers.

It is our pleasure to serve and build our community in this capacity.

NPHC-GH Committees 

Engagement and Retention Committee

This committee, chaired by the Second Vice President, is tasked with recruiting and retaining members. Through membership drives and quarterly Social Hours, this committee will discuss and implement innovative ways to build and maintain capacity.

Nominating Committee

After obtaining and finalizing a list of nominees for each office, this committee will prepare and review the ballots. Members of this committee will also be responsible for explaining and facilitating the voting process. Finally, this committee will announce the winners of each office.

Bylaws Committee

Robert’s Rules of Order will be the premise of this committee’s work. They will ensure that Executive Board and General Body Meetings run accordingly. Additionally, they will update and revise the Council’s bylaws, as needed. This committee is chaired by the Parliamentarian.

Greek Week Committee

This committee will research and finalize an agenda of activities for our signature week of events. The First Vice President is the chair.

Public Relations Committee

The PRT is responsible for all marketing and correspondence that is shared with the public, such as the newsletter, website, flyers and social media sites. The chair for this committee is the Corresponding Secretary.

Social Justice Committee

This newly formed committee, as of December 2022, is chaired by the Chaplain. The goal is to promote equity in all programming and community service projects and alignment with our Strategic Priorities.

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